Payment & subsidies

Payment is settled after each consultation. The price for each treatment depends on the extent and nature of the treatment. In the event of no-show or cancellation of a booked appointment after 12:00 noon the day before, a fee will be charged.

Fees and reimbursements for chiropractic care are determined by an agreement with the Public Health Insurance.

You can view current fees and subsidies by clicking here

On the same link you can read more about other reimbursement options:

  • Sygesikringen “danmark” is reported electronically
  • Municipal reimbursement schemes. For example, if you can present a valid medical card for treatment.
  • We settle directly with your insurance company when you have a payment guarantee

A doctor’s referral is not required to obtain a health insurance subsidy for chiropractic care or for health insurance “danmark” to cover your chiropractic treatment.

Denmark subsidizes our physiotherapist and reflexology and acupuncture therapist.

+45 45 82 05 05

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